Help center

Got questions? We've got answers! Dive into our Help Center to find detailed guides, FAQs, and tips on how to make the most out of our services.

To create an account, click on the "Sign Up" button located at the top of the screen. You'll need to provide a username, email, and password for LevelUpper. Other details are optional. After registration, you'll receive a confirmation email. Click on the link in the email to complete your registration.

To change your username or email, log in to your account, go to your profile at the top of the screen, and select the "Settings" tab. If you need to change your username, please contact our support team via live chat or at

If you forget your password, click on the "I forgot my password" option when you try to sign in. You can also contact our support team via live chat or at If you've lost access to your email, please send us a message or fill out one of the forms on our website.

You can change your password in the "Settings" tab of your profile.

If you're having trouble logging in, please contact our support team via live chat or at

Yes, you can have more than one account. However, keep in mind that if you're using our loyalty system, the progress cannot be transferred to a second account.

If your LevelUpper account has been suspended or banned, please contact our support team via live chat or at We'll get back to you as soon as possible to resolve the issue.

Currently, we accept MasterCard, Visa, and Revolut. We plan to expand our payment options in the future.

Simply add the services you're interested in to your cart, provide the necessary information for the services (like your game account details or your unique tag if you chose to play with our team), and proceed to checkout.

Once your payment is successful, an order will automatically be created on the site and we'll start looking for a booster for you. This usually takes no more than 5 minutes.

If your payment is declined, please contact our support team via live chat or at

After every successful transaction, a receipt is automatically sent to your registered email address. You can also access all your receipts in the "Billing" section of your account.

Yes, if there were any issues on our end, we do offer refunds. Please refer to our Refund Policy for more details.

We currently offer services for World of Warcraft, Diablo 4, Destiny 2, and Apex Legends, with plans to expand to other games.

We have a wide range of features to make your experience as smooth as possible. You can browse our catalog of services, place orders, track your order progress, communicate with your booster, and much more.

Yes, in addition to our main services, we also offer in-game currency buying/selling services. If you're interested in coaching services to help improve your skills and game knowledge, please reach out to our support team via live chat. We're always looking to expand our services based on the needs of our customers.

At LevelUpper, we take data security very seriously. We comply with all relevant data protection laws and use secure servers to store your information. All data transfers are encrypted to ensure your information is safe.

We use a variety of measures to ensure the security of your game account during boosting. This includes using VPNs to protect your account's location, setting your game status to invisible, and reverting any changes to your game client settings after the boost. We also strictly instruct our boosters not to communicate with anyone on your friend list or disclose that they are boosting your account. We take every precaution to ensure your account is safe.

If you suspect that your LevelUpper account has been compromised, please contact our support team immediately via live chat or at We will investigate the issue and take necessary actions to secure your account.

To ensure the security of your account, we recommend that you do not use other boosting services, choose a regular booster from our team (this option is available after your first order), and do not try to communicate with boosters outside of LevelUpper (for example, do not invite the booster to Discord). Please remember that we cannot help if something happens outside of our platform. Also, do not share sensitive information and trust us to do our best to keep your account safe.

You can find our terms of use in the "Legal" section at the bottom of our website or by clicking here.

Our privacy policy can be found in the "Legal" section at the bottom of our website or by clicking here.

Please refer to our Terms of Service for information on the procedures to follow when using LevelUpper. You can find the Terms of Service in the "Legal" section at the bottom of our website or by clicking here.

You can contact us through our live chat feature on the website or by emailing us at We're here to help!

We aim to respond to all inquiries as quickly as possible. Typically, you can expect a response within a minute in our live chat, but it may take a few minutes during peak times or for more complex inquiries. For email inquiries, we aim to respond within two business days.

Our Help Center is a great place to start! We have a wide range of articles and guides that cover most common questions and topics. If you can't find the answer you're looking for, don't hesitate to contact us.

If you're experiencing any issues with a service or product you purchased from us, please contact our support team immediately. We're committed to providing a great customer experience and will do our best to resolve any issues you may have.

Yes, we welcome and appreciate all feedback! Your feedback helps us improve our services and better meet your needs. You can provide feedback through our website, by email, or through our live chat feature.

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